Babies Everywhere
/This time of year, at both Cedarwood and Riverwood Hideaway (which will open soon) there are babies everywhere! The first time we went with our Realtor to look at Cedarwood Hideaway, (three years ago) Devin ventured into the tall ferns to find a tiny fawn.
A couple of days ago, we found another fawn sleeping near the cabin.
Beautiful moths, dragonflies and monarchs are all thriving. There are hundreds of monarch caterpillars along the road at Cedarwood Hideaway, and Brien found a stunning Luna moth at Riverwood.
The most exciting “baby” that ventured through Riverwood, was a young moose who followed the river downstream and climbed the bank there. It eventually walked through the property to continue its journey along the driveway.
Last year, guests of Cedarwood Hideaway (from the safety of the couch) watched a mama bear with three cubs walk right by the cabin windows.
It’s so exciting to share these kinds of close-up wild encounters with our guests. We always encourage safe exploring and enjoying the babies from a distance. Their mothers are often close by.