New Trails, New Year, New Weather!
/The weather has become extreme, as we’re in the thick of it on the North Shore. Steady storms and sub-0 cold has left knee high snow and lots of shoveling. Its hard to keep all the trails snowshoed and ready to hike, but if you have good boots and snow pants, you can still thoroughly immerse yourself in this winter wonderland. Luckily, I was able to finish marking the trails just before the real downfalls, but its been a struggle keeping them ‘paved’. For the next few weeks, it will be a ‘walk-to-walk’ improvement once the snow packs and hardens. ***We do not yet have trail maps on the trails. We do have copies at the cabin and online.*** (and we do plan to provide “you are here” signs on the trails.)
The trails are certainly beautiful, and visitors have been enjoying them. The warmer weather has melted most of the ‘tree snow’, but hopefully you’ll be lucky enough to visit after a few fresh inches.
The wood stove burns hot and bright, and keeps the cabin toasty before letting the propane heater take over early in the morning. You can so easily forget about the world here, waking up to sun through the entire cabin.
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